Bert Vuylsteke, a student at Ghent University, has created an innovative concept for a robotic babysitter named Sleepbuddy. This project is currently in its early stages of development but is already showing great promise as a fantastic Internet of Things (IoT) connected robot. The Sleepbuddy aims to revolutionize the way parents and babysitters monitor and interact with children remotely.
Features and Capabilities
The Sleepbuddy is powered by a combination of Raspberry Pi and Arduino, making it a versatile and powerful tool for remote babysitting. The robot is designed to fulfill all your remote babysitting needs, thanks to its smartphone companion application. This application allows parents and babysitters to control various aspects of the robot, including its emotions, gestures, microphone, speaker, and camera.
Watch the two videos below to learn more about the Raspberry Pi and Arduino-powered robotic babysitter:
Sleepbuddy is a friend or safeguard from nightmares, but it is so much more for the babysitters or parents. The babysitters or parents connect their smartphone/tablet/PC to the Sleepbuddy. This will give them access to control all his emotions, gestures, microphone, speaker, and camera. In the eye is a hidden camera to see the kids sleeping. The speaker and microphone allow communication with the kids through WiFi.
Practical Applications and Benefits
The Sleepbuddy offers numerous practical applications and benefits for both parents and babysitters. One of the standout features is the hidden camera located in the robot’s eye, which allows parents to monitor their children as they sleep. This feature provides peace of mind, knowing that they can check on their child at any time without disturbing them.
Additionally, the built-in speaker and microphone enable two-way communication through WiFi. This means that parents can talk to their children, sing lullabies, or even read bedtime stories from a remote location. The ability to control the robot’s emotions and gestures adds an extra layer of interaction, making the Sleepbuddy not just a monitoring device but also a comforting presence for the child.
For more information on the new Sleepbuddy, jump over to the Instructables website for details by following the link below. If you enjoy building Pi projects, you might be interested in our comprehensive list of Raspberry Pi displays, HATS, and small screens.
Source: Instructable
The Sleepbuddy project exemplifies the potential of IoT in creating smart, connected devices that can significantly improve our daily lives. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see more innovative solutions like the Sleepbuddy that leverage the power of Raspberry Pi and Arduino to offer practical and user-friendly applications. Whether you’re a parent looking for a reliable way to monitor your child or a tech enthusiast interested in the latest IoT developments, the Sleepbuddy is a project worth following.
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