In preparation for the launch of its new second-generation virtual reality headset, Sony has announced the release of a new update to the Gran Turismo 7 bringing with it a wealth of new features including the ability for drivers to race against a superhuman AI, five new cars and the addition of a classic GT track. Sony has also added a wealth of new tweaks and enhancements ready for the rollout of the PS VR2 allowing you to enjoy your favourite tracks and cars in virtual reality. “An incredibly action-packed February update for all levels of GT players at no additional cost.”
Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.29
“With the 1.29 update at no additional cost, players will be able to for the first time experience all the races and game modes (excluding ‘2P Split Screen’ mode) with a whole new level of realism. PS VR2 players will also be able to access an exclusive ‘VR Showroom’ area from their ‘Garage’ or the in-game car dealerships where they can admire all the stunning details of the ultra-high-definition car models in a variety of locations and lighting settings.”
“GT7 takes full advantage of PS VR2’s next-gen features – Utilizing specially optimized HDR tone mapping, as well as foveated rendering from the eye-tracking feature (a technology that renders areas of the screen that the player is directly looking at in high definition), and dynamic 3D audio support, players will experience a whole new dimension of highly immersive gameplay.”
The PlayStation VR2 headset is now available to preorder and will be officially launching tomorrow on February 22, 2023 building on the technology and hardware included in the first PlayStation VR headset.
Source : Sony
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