Varjo has this week launched their new XR-1 Dev Edition headset which combines both virtual reality and augmented reality in a single headset and is equipped with the companies “bionic display”. The unique display takes the form of a central 1,920 x 1,080 micro-OLED ‘focus display’ (60 PPD) with a larger ‘context’ display at 1,440 x 1,600, which has a lower PPD but provides the headset with an 87-degree field of view.
The launch of the new headset follows on from the launch of the Varjo VR-2 headset designed for enterprise applications earlier this year during October 2019. Check out the promotional video below to learn more about the XR-1 Developer Edition headset now available to purchase priced at $10,000 with integrated eye tracking technology and passthrough cameras.
“The XR-1 makes it possible to build truly photorealistic mixed reality experiences where virtual objects seamlessly merge with reality for the first time in full field of view. XR-1 users can also switch between mixed reality and full VR, as well as use the integrated eye tracking for unique user research and data analytics. XR-1 Developer Edition’s ultra-low latency image pipeline lets you explore true-to-life digital worlds as natural extensions of the real world. That means you can create, discuss, collaborate and even drive a car in mixed reality in a way that feels completely natural. “
Features of the Varjo XR-1 Developer Edition augmented reality and virtual reality headset include:
– Photorealistic video pass-through enables users to see digital objects in true-to-life colour, lighting and shadows in a full field of view (87 degrees).
– The ability to switch between mixed reality and ‘full’ VR so users can interact with the real and the virtual world in one device for applications such as testing designs in different environments or manipulating their surroundings with pixel-perfect clarity.
– Industrial-grade 20/20 Eye Tracker delivers unmatched sub-degree accuracy of users’ eye movements in mixed reality scenarios for valuable insights into research, training and simulation and product design.
– Ultra-low latency imaging pipeline lets users experience the most realistic digital worlds as extensions of the natural environment without perceivable lag.
– Human-eye resolution Bionic Display™ (over 60 PPD/3,000 PPI) brings high visual fidelity to even the most demanding industrial scenarios where extreme precision and photorealistic accuracy is required.
– Varjo’s products can also be experienced at I/ITSEC at various customer booths including Bohemia Interactive Simulations, Vertex Solutions, Ryan Aerospace, Presagis, Flight Safety International, and Aechelon.
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