Indie games development studio Plot Twist and publisher Rogue Games has recently launched their new detective game called The Last Case of Benedict Fox. Players take on the role of detective Benedict Fox as he fights demons, explores the subconscious, and solves elaborate puzzles in a labyrinthian adventure inspired by Lovecraft’s nightmares, noir pulp fiction, and early 20th-century jazz music. Check out the launch trailer below to learn more about what you can expect from this unique game which is now available on PC and Xbox Series X|S.
Pape detective game
“Take on the last case of Benedict Fox and dive into a twisted world of secret organizations, forbidden rituals, and cold-blooded murders. Explore the memories of deceased victims as you search for clues and fight demons in this fantastical Lovecraftian Metroidvania. “
“Descend into a limbo of decaying memories as Benedict Fox, a self-proclaimed detective bound to his demon companion. Use that unholy bond to explore the minds of the recently deceased in search of clues as you uncover the mysteries of a massive, decrepit mansion — the site to a young couple’s grisly murder, and the disappearance of their child. Immerse yourself in a dark, intriguing world full of secret organizations, forbidden rituals, and cold-blooded crimes in an arcane adventure brought to life through a fascinating Burton-esque art style.”
Source : Steam
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