As the launch date for the new Destiny 2 Forsaken content edges closer to its official 4th September 2018 launch date, which is also exactly one year after the launch of Destiny 2. Developers Bungie have revealed more details about the expansion and the huge changes it will bring to the game including the Dreaming City offering players to enjoy the “largest endgame experience ever” explains Bungie. Check out the teaser trailer below for a glimpse at what you can expect from the storyline and content.
Below is a recap of all the new additions, tweaks and enhancements you can expect to be added with the latest Destiny 2 Forsaken expansion thanks to Reddit members, via the link below.
• 10 levels of masterworks for weapons (up to 10% boost to a stat)
• Upgrades cost masterwork core(s), glimmer and legendary shards
• At tier 7 you get a new column of kill trackers you can switch between
• All guns have a mod socket now
• Some mods they showed were:
• Icarus (increased accuracy in the air)
• Freehand (better hipfire accuracy)
• Backup Mag (increased mag size)
• Target adjuster (better target acquisition)
• Radar adjuster (immediately get back radar after ADS)
• Minor Spec (More damage against base enemies)
• Major Spec (more damage against higher level enemies)
• Boss spec (more damage against bosses)
• Counterbalance (reduces recoil)
• Mods drop on/with weapons
• Dismantling weapons will give you the mod that was in it for use in another gun
• No artificial light level mods
• Showed Box Breathing (increased damage when scoped in) on linear fusion rifles
• Elemental gun types will be locked to whatever the current value is when the changes go into effect
• All shoulder charges are 1 hit kill again
• 2 hit melees again
• Tether will now activate faster to be more reliable
• Stormtrance damage buff
• Golden Gun duration increased
• Increased throwing knife damage (2 hit kill)
• 3 tap HC kills (2 body 1 head) (Aggressive 110 archetype shown)
• Warlock rifts buffed to account for quicker TTK
• Spawn with special ammo, respawn with same amount of special, can get special from kills
Source: : Reddit :
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