The Samsung Galaxy S7 is expected to come with different processors in different regions. One of the processors will be Samsung’s new flagship mobile processor, the Exynos 8990. Additionally, the handset will also be available with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor. This dual-processor strategy is not new for Samsung, as they have previously used different processors for different markets to optimize performance and compatibility with local networks.
Rumored Launch Timeline
We have heard rumors previously that the Galaxy S7 will be made official in January and that the handset will hit the stores sometime in February. This would be a departure from Samsung’s usual launch schedule. Typically, Samsung unveils its new Galaxy S handsets at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in February and then starts selling the devices in March or April.
Now, according to a recent report, the new Samsung Exynos 8990 processor has entered mass production. If this report is correct, it does suggest that Samsung is looking to launch the handset earlier than normal. The early production of the Exynos 8990 could be a strategic move to ensure that there are no supply chain issues and that the device can meet the anticipated high demand upon release.
Possible Reasons for an Early Launch
It is not clear as yet why Samsung might decide to launch their new Samsung Galaxy S7 earlier than normal next year. However, there are several potential reasons for this shift in strategy. One possibility is that Samsung wants to get a head start on its competitors. By launching earlier, Samsung could capture a larger market share before other flagship devices from competitors like Apple and LG hit the market.
Another reason could be related to the competitive landscape of the smartphone industry. With increasing competition from Chinese manufacturers like Huawei and Xiaomi, Samsung might be looking to solidify its position in the market by offering the latest technology sooner. An early launch could also help Samsung capitalize on the post-holiday shopping season, where consumers are still looking to spend their gift money.
Moreover, the early launch could be a response to the lukewarm reception of the Galaxy S6 series. While the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge were praised for their design and performance, they did not sell as well as expected. By launching the Galaxy S7 earlier, Samsung could be aiming to boost its sales figures and regain consumer confidence.
As for the features of the Galaxy S7, there have been various leaks and speculations. The device is expected to come with a high-resolution display, possibly a 4K screen, improved camera technology, and enhanced battery life. There are also rumors of new features such as a pressure-sensitive display, similar to Apple’s 3D Touch, and a USB Type-C port for faster charging and data transfer.
Of course, all of this is just speculation at the moment. As soon as we get more details about the handset, we will let you guys know. The anticipation for the Galaxy S7 is building, and it will be interesting to see how Samsung’s new flagship device will fare in the highly competitive smartphone market.
Source: Gforgames
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