NASA has created and released an awesome two-minute video detailing what goes on in the life of a single disk Galaxy from the Big Bang 13.5 billion years ago right up to our present day.
The hypnotic NASA video ran on the Pleiades supercomputer at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, and required 1 million processor hours to construct. This incredible computational effort highlights the complexity and scale of simulating galactic evolution, providing a mesmerizing visual journey through time.
The Evolution of a Galaxy
The video showcases the formation and development of a disk galaxy, starting from the chaotic aftermath of the Big Bang. Initially, the universe was a hot, dense state filled with a primordial soup of particles. Over time, these particles began to coalesce under the influence of gravity, forming the first stars and galaxies. The simulation captures this process in stunning detail, illustrating how gas clouds collapse to form stars and how these stars cluster together to create the spiral arms characteristic of disk galaxies.
“Colors indicate old stars (red), young stars (white and bright blue) and the distribution of gas density (pale blue); the view is 300,000 light-years across. It assumes a universe dominated by dark energy and dark matter.” Video by F. Governato, T. Quinn, A. Brooks and J. Wadsley
The color coding in the video is particularly informative. Red hues represent older stars, which have existed for billions of years, while white and bright blue colors indicate younger stars that have formed more recently. The pale blue regions show the distribution of gas density, which is crucial for star formation. This visual representation helps viewers understand the dynamic processes that shape galaxies over billions of years.
The Role of Dark Matter and Dark Energy
One of the most fascinating aspects of the simulation is its assumption of a universe dominated by dark energy and dark matter. These mysterious components make up about 95% of the universe’s total mass-energy content, yet they remain largely enigmatic. Dark matter, which does not emit or absorb light, exerts gravitational forces that influence the formation and behavior of galaxies. Dark energy, on the other hand, is thought to drive the accelerated expansion of the universe.
The simulation provides a glimpse into how these unseen forces shape the cosmos. For instance, dark matter’s gravitational pull helps to gather gas and dust into dense regions where stars can form. Without dark matter, galaxies as we know them might not exist. Similarly, dark energy’s influence on the universe’s expansion affects the large-scale structure of the cosmos, impacting how galaxies evolve over time.
The video also underscores the importance of advanced computational resources in modern astrophysics. The Pleiades supercomputer, one of the world’s most powerful, enabled researchers to perform the complex calculations needed to simulate billions of years of galactic evolution. This achievement not only advances our understanding of the universe but also demonstrates the synergy between technology and science.
In conclusion, NASA’s two-minute video is a captivating and educational glimpse into the life of a galaxy. It highlights the intricate processes that govern galactic formation and evolution, the critical role of dark matter and dark energy, and the power of modern computational tools. For anyone interested in the cosmos, this video is a must-watch.
Source: Gizmodo : YouTube
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