Telegram has released a new version of their app, Telegram 4.2, and the app brings some exciting new features, including disappearing photos and videos.
You can now choose how long you want a photo or a video to last when you send it to someone. It will automatically disappear once the time you have selected is up.
If you set a timer, the countdown starts the moment your recipient opens the photo or video you sent. After the time runs out, the photo/video will disappear forever, just like in Secret Chats.
If the recipient tries to make a screenshot of your disappearing media, you’ll get a notification immediately.
Enhanced Security and Speed
The new version of the app also comes with improved security and speed. Telegram has always been known for its strong emphasis on user privacy and security, and this update further solidifies that reputation. The app now uses more advanced encryption methods to ensure that your conversations remain private and secure. Additionally, the app’s performance has been optimized to make it faster and more responsive, even on older devices.
New Profile Bio Feature
Another notable feature in Telegram 4.2 is the ability to add a bio to your profile. This allows users to share a little more about themselves with their contacts. You can add a short description, your interests, or any other information you think is relevant. This feature makes it easier for your contacts to know more about you at a glance, enhancing the social aspect of the app.
For example, if you are a professional using Telegram for networking, you can add your job title and company name to your bio. If you are using Telegram to stay in touch with friends and family, you can add a fun fact or a favorite quote. This small addition can make a big difference in how you connect with others on the platform.
Disappearing Media: A Closer Look
The disappearing media feature is particularly useful for those who value privacy and want to ensure that their photos and videos do not remain on the recipient’s device indefinitely. This feature is similar to the disappearing messages found in other popular messaging apps like Snapchat and WhatsApp, but with Telegram’s unique twist. The timer starts as soon as the recipient opens the media, and you will be notified if they attempt to take a screenshot. This adds an extra layer of security, giving you peace of mind that your media is not being saved without your knowledge.
For instance, if you are sharing a sensitive document or a private photo, you can set it to disappear after a few seconds or minutes. This ensures that the recipient has enough time to view the content but cannot keep it permanently. This feature is also useful for sharing temporary information, such as a one-time password or a limited-time offer.
The Telegram 4.2 software update is now available, and you can find out more details about it over at the company’s website at the link below.
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