Sonos speaker owners may be interested to know that Sonos as this week announced the beta release of support for integration with IFTTT. Enabling users to connect your sound system with even more devices and control audio playback with more advanced triggers.“IFTTT has integrated hundreds of different smart home products, websites and content providers and with today’s beta launch, you can trigger your favourite songs and sounds on Sonos from millions of different IFTTT events.”
IFTTT It is very easy-to-use and can be configured via the official website or mobile companion application. Actions available from your Sonos devices include basic playback control, pause/resume/next/previous, and volume controls including up, down, mute and unmute. IFTTT can also be used to start playing a pre-defined Sonos Favourite or song, album and artist playlist.
“Now you can have Sonos start your favourite radio station when your Ring-enabled door unlocks after you get home, or play your special pizza song (you do have a special pizza song, don’t you?) when your Domino’s order goes out for delivery. Having a party? Set your lights and your music using Phillips Hue.”
More information on the new possibilities opened with the Sonos support IFTTTT jump over to the official Sonos community website by following the link below. Create Applets or recipes to send commands to Sonos using the “then that” section of your command, also known as the “action”.”
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