If you have ever wanted to create your very own laser tripwire grid like in the movies to protect your valuables possessions, buildings or outhouses. You might be interested in a new Arduino compatible multi-programme laser trip wire system that has been created by Patrick Thomas Mitchell based in Ottawa Canada.
Patrick is a serial Kickstarter entrepreneur and this will be the sixth electronics program he has launched via the crowd funding website. Watch the video after the jump to learn more about his unique laser tripwire system which you can build yourself or have ready assembled for you by Patrick.
The Arduino powered Laser trip wire system project is currently over on the Kickstarter crowd funding website looking to raise $3,000 pledges to make the jump from concept to production. Patrick explains a little more:
“Meet the Multi-Program Ultimate Laser Tripwire Security Set! : This set includes four unique programs! Three of those four programs have a secondary sub-program mode that allows for you to tweak functions.
The video offers a complete demonstration, but you may need to pause the video at times to read the text. It is a very fast paced! I will also be speaking on each of the programs below. I’ve created many laser trip-wire systems in the past. This is without a doubt my most interesting circuit of the bunch!
The lasers themselves are invisible to the human eye. However, with a little bit of smoke, steam, or dust, you can even see the lasers! You can bank them off of mirrors or simply aim the laser directly at one of the four sensors!”
So if you think Laser trip wire system is something you would like to build yourself or use to protect your belongings, visit the Kickstarter website now to make a pledge and help Laser trip wire system become a reality.
Source: Kickstarter
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