Fans of Breaking Bad are sure to enjoy this animation created by Matt Czap, which revolves around a bored Enterprise crew holding a pie-eating contest… that goes horribly wrong. This unique crossover brings together the intense drama of Breaking Bad with the iconic sci-fi universe of Star Trek, resulting in a humorous and unexpected twist. Watch the video after the jump to learn more about the Breaking Bad Star Trek Script project and see it brought to life.
The Origin of the Star Trek Script
The Vulture website explains:
“Vince Gilligan had been telling the story of a pie-eating contest gone wrong aboard the Enterprise to the writers of Breaking Bad for as long as writer Peter Gould can remember. “Since probably the first season,” laughed Gould, the author of last night’s season-5.5 opener, “Blood Money.”
When it came time to give Badger another stoned (and yet amazingly coherent!) speech, Gould says he asked to borrow Gilligan’s Star Trek fan fiction, which involved an ill-fated Chekov and the gross misuse of the transporter. “We talk about Greek tragedy in the writers’ room, but there are a lot of geeks, so there’s a lot of geek tragedy, too,” Gould said.”
This anecdote highlights the playful and creative atmosphere in the Breaking Bad writers’ room, where even the most outlandish ideas could find a place in the show. The Star Trek script, with its blend of humor and disaster, perfectly encapsulates the spirit of both series.
Bringing the Script to Life
The animation by Matt Czap takes this quirky script and transforms it into a visual spectacle. The pie-eating contest, a seemingly innocent event, quickly spirals out of control, showcasing the dark humor that Breaking Bad fans have come to love. The animation style adds an extra layer of absurdity, making the scenario even more entertaining.
For more information on the new addition to Breaking Bad, jump over to the Vulture website for details. The video not only provides a good laugh but also serves as a testament to the creativity and versatility of the Breaking Bad team. It’s a must-watch for fans of both Breaking Bad and Star Trek, offering a unique blend of two beloved universes.
The crossover between Breaking Bad and Star Trek is a fascinating example of how fan fiction and professional writing can intersect. Vince Gilligan’s ability to weave such a story into the fabric of Breaking Bad demonstrates his deep understanding of both the characters and the audience. It also shows how fan culture can influence mainstream media, creating new and exciting content that resonates with a wide range of viewers.
Source: Kotaku
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