Qualcomm has announced their new mobile processor, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820. This is the processor that will be powering the majority of next year’s flagship smartphones like the HTC One M10 and the Samsung Galaxy S7.
The Snapdragon 820 will bring improved performance and graphics, faster download speeds over LTE, and also lower power usage than the Snapdragon 810. This new processor is expected to set a new standard in the mobile industry, offering a range of enhancements that will benefit both manufacturers and end-users.
Enhanced Performance and Graphics
One of the standout features of the Snapdragon 820 is its enhanced performance and graphics capabilities. The processor is designed to handle more complex tasks with greater efficiency, making it ideal for high-end gaming and multimedia applications. The new Adreno 530 GPU, which is part of the Snapdragon 820, promises up to 40% faster graphics performance and 40% lower power consumption compared to its predecessor, the Adreno 430. This means users can expect smoother gameplay, more detailed visuals, and longer battery life.
Additionally, the Snapdragon 820 supports 4K display resolution, allowing for ultra-high-definition video playback and recording. This is a significant upgrade that will enable users to enjoy a more immersive viewing experience on their mobile devices.
Faster LTE and Connectivity
The Snapdragon 820 also boasts faster download speeds over LTE, thanks to the integrated X12 LTE modem. This modem supports Cat 12 download speeds of up to 600 Mbps and Cat 13 upload speeds of up to 150 Mbps. This means users can download large files, stream high-quality videos, and browse the internet more quickly and efficiently.
Moreover, the Snapdragon 820 supports a wide range of connectivity options, including Wi-Fi 802.11ad, Bluetooth 4.1, and NFC. This ensures that users can stay connected to their devices and networks with ease, whether they are at home, at work, or on the go.
The Snapdragon 820 system-on-chip (SoC) represents a rare event in the engineering and design of semiconductors. Every major IP block in the system is a newly optimized custom design. The opportunity to take a fresh look at a processor to this magnitude is infrequent, as each IP block typically has its own update schedule.
But in the case of the Snapdragon 820, every major component of the system has been significantly improved in terms of performance and power consumption to help deliver the kinds of always-on, performance-demanding experiences that users want.
Lower Power Consumption
Another key advantage of the Snapdragon 820 is its lower power consumption. The processor is built using a 14nm FinFET process, which allows for greater efficiency and reduced power usage. This means that devices powered by the Snapdragon 820 will have longer battery life, even when performing demanding tasks.
The Snapdragon 820 also features Qualcomm’s new Kryo CPU, which is designed to deliver up to 2x the performance and efficiency of the previous generation. The Kryo CPU is a quad-core processor with a clock speed of up to 2.2 GHz, providing a balance of power and efficiency that is ideal for modern mobile devices.
Advanced Features and Capabilities
In addition to its performance and efficiency improvements, the Snapdragon 820 also includes a range of advanced features and capabilities. For example, the processor supports Qualcomm’s Quick Charge 3.0 technology, which allows for faster charging times and improved battery life. This means users can spend less time charging their devices and more time using them.
The Snapdragon 820 also includes support for advanced camera features, such as dual image signal processors (ISPs) and improved low-light performance. This allows for better photo and video quality, even in challenging lighting conditions.
Overall, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 is a significant upgrade over its predecessor, offering a range of improvements in performance, graphics, connectivity, and power consumption. This new processor is expected to power the next generation of flagship smartphones, providing users with a superior mobile experience.
You can find out more information about the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor over at Qualcomm at the link below.
Source Qualcomm
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