Popular messaging platform WhatsApp has announced that it is launching new business accounts. Businesses will be able to have their account verified so that their customers will know it is the real account. This new feature is expected to enhance trust and credibility between businesses and their customers, ensuring that communications are authentic and secure.
WhatsApp will be charging large enterprises and companies for using the service, this will be a way for them to generate revenue since they dropped the $0.99 fee for the app. This move is part of WhatsApp’s broader strategy to monetize its platform while providing valuable services to businesses of all sizes.
Benefits for Small and Large Businesses
The introduction of business accounts on WhatsApp is designed to cater to the diverse needs of both small and large businesses. Small businesses can benefit from the free WhatsApp Business app, which offers tools to manage customer interactions more efficiently. This includes features like automated responses, sorting and quick replies, which can help small businesses save time and improve customer service.
For larger enterprises, WhatsApp is developing an enterprise solution that can handle the demands of operating at a large scale with a global customer base. This solution is particularly beneficial for industries such as airlines, e-commerce sites, and banks, which require robust communication tools to manage customer interactions effectively. These businesses will be able to use WhatsApp’s solutions to provide customers with useful notifications like flight times, delivery confirmations, and other updates.
We know businesses have many different needs. For example, they want an official presence – a verified profile so people can identify a business from another person – and an easier way to respond to messages. We’re building and testing new tools via a free WhatsApp Business app for small companies and an enterprise solution for bigger companies operating at a large scale with a global base of customers, like airlines, e-commerce sites, and banks. These businesses will be able to use our solutions to provide customers with useful notifications like flight times, delivery confirmations, and other updates.
Enhanced Customer Engagement
One of the key advantages of WhatsApp’s business accounts is the ability to enhance customer engagement. By having a verified account, businesses can ensure that their customers are interacting with the legitimate entity, which can significantly reduce the risk of fraud and misinformation. This verification process is crucial in building trust and maintaining a positive reputation.
Moreover, the ability to send timely and relevant notifications can greatly improve the customer experience. For instance, airlines can send real-time updates about flight schedules, delays, and gate changes, ensuring that passengers are well-informed and can make necessary adjustments to their travel plans. Similarly, e-commerce businesses can keep customers updated on their order status, shipping details, and delivery confirmations, providing a seamless shopping experience.
Banks and financial institutions can also leverage WhatsApp’s business accounts to send important alerts and notifications to their customers. This can include transaction alerts, account updates, and security notifications, helping customers stay informed and secure.
You can find out more details about these new business features for WhatsApp over at the company’s website at the link below.
Source WhatsApp
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