Earlier this month, Blackberry unveiled their first 5-inch handset known as Z30 at a press event. The handset comes with the latest Blackberry OS 10.2. It was also announced that the update will hit Blackberry Z10, Q10, and Q5 from October, but no exact ETA was given as it’s also subjected to carrier approvals. After the update is released by Blackberry, it could take some time for carriers to test the update, add customizations, and release it.
For those of you who are using Rogers, you can expect the update by the end of this month.
Blackberry OS 10.2 Features and Improvements
Blackberry OS 10.2 brings a host of new features and improvements designed to enhance the user experience. One of the most notable additions is the Priority Hub, which intelligently organizes your messages and notifications based on your interactions and preferences. This feature ensures that you never miss an important message or notification.
Another significant improvement is the introduction of the BBM Video with Natural Sound, which provides a more immersive and lifelike video calling experience. The update also includes enhancements to the virtual keyboard, making typing more accurate and efficient with improved text prediction and auto-correction.
Additionally, Blackberry OS 10.2 offers better support for Android apps, allowing users to run a wider range of applications on their Blackberry devices. This update also brings various performance improvements and bug fixes, ensuring a smoother and more stable user experience.
Carrier-Specific Rollout and Expectations
If you are a Blackberry user on Rogers, you’d be happy to know that the carrier plans to release the Blackberry OS 10.2 update in late-October. The carrier didn’t give any exact date, and the release dates are subject to change. However, you can rest assured that your Blackberry will get the taste of the latest update.
The update should hit other carriers and unlocked devices within a similar time-frame as well. It’s important to note that the rollout process can vary depending on the carrier and region. Some carriers may take longer to test and approve the update, while others may release it sooner. Users are advised to keep an eye on official announcements from their carriers for the most accurate information.
For those who are eager to get the update as soon as possible, it’s recommended to regularly check for software updates on your device. You can do this by going to the settings menu and selecting the software update option. If the update is available, you will be prompted to download and install it.
We’ll update you once we hear more about the Blackberry OS 10.2 rollout for other carriers as well. In the meantime, Blackberry users can look forward to an enhanced and more feature-rich experience with the upcoming update.
Source: MobileSyrup
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