has released the first trailer for its upcoming horror mystery thriller television series created by Mike Flanagan and Leah Fong. The Midnight Club is scheduled to premiere on the Netflix streaming service on October 7, 2022 and stars Iman Benson, Adia, Igby Rigney, Ruth Codd, Aya Furukawa, Annarah Shephard, William Chris Sumpter, and Sauriyan Sapkota as the titular patients. Heather Langenkamp, Zach Gilford, Matt Biedel, and Samantha Sloyan have recurring roles in the TV series.
Netflix Midnight Club
“A group of seven close terminally ill young adults resides in the Rotterdam Home hospice run by an enigmatic doctor. They meet at midnight every night to tell each other scary stories. One night they make a pact that the first one to succumb to their disease is responsible for communicating with the others beyond the grave. After one of them dies, bizarre occurrences begin.”
“The first two episodes of the series are directed by Flanagan, and other episodes in the season were helmed by directors Axelle Carolyn, Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour, Michael Fimognari, Morgan Beggs and Viet Nguyen”
Netflix also premiered a new trailer for its upcoming providing a first look at what we can expect from the storyline, characters and settings.
Source : Netflix
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